The union organization of Social Workers in Ceará began with a dialogue between Social Workers about...
The union organization of Social Workers in Ceará began with a dialogue between Social Workers about their professional performance, establishing the idea of holding one meeting per month to exchange experiences and discuss working conditions.This embryo, initially called “five o’clock tea”, grew in such a way that they felt the need to have an entity to carry out, in addition to theoretical discussions, organizational actions for the category.The first form of organization of Social Workers took place on May 25, 1952, with the creation of the Brazilian Association of Social Workers – Ceará Section – ABAS. Considered as a class entity with the objective of maintaining cultural and social exchange between Social Workers, having at the time, 17 members.On December 23, 1961, APAS – Professional Association of Social Workers was created, which was the embryo for the creation of the Union by 12 members.In 1962, the proposal to merge ABAS and APAS emerged. but the categorys decision was the creation of the Union.During this period, the mobilization of the working class grew in Ceará in search of guaranteeing and expanding their labor rights. The participation of Social Workers was intensified in spaces of struggle, requiring an instrument of representation for Social Assistant workers, deciding to abolish APAS and create the Union.On June 15, 1963, the Ministry of Labor – MT – was asked for a union charter by 26 members,The Union was founded on November 30, 1963, receiving the MT Union Charter on December 3, 1963, with the name UNION OF SOCIAL WORKERS OF THE STATE OF CEARÁ – SASEC.SASEC historically had great mobilization and was part of the categorys struggles, having the Academic Center for Social Service as an ally. During the period of the dictatorship, the Social Service C.A. was closed and the SASEC board began to meet in the directors homes. During this period, the Union fought for freedom of expression, reacting to the policies emanating from the military regime.With the process of political opening in the country (1982 – Figueredo Government), the union resumed the mobilization of Social Workers and began the fight for the Minimum Salary in accordance with the deliberations taken at the Meeting of Entities where the National Executive Committee of Union Entities was created. of Social Workers – CENEAS (Unions/ABAS/APAS/ARAS).The Minimum Salary Bill was approved in the Federal Chamber and the Senate but was vetoed by then President José Sarney.SASEC continued the struggles for the Minimum Salary in Ceará and in 1986 managed to obtain 8.5 minimum wages for Social Workers in the Municipal and State Governments of Fortaleza. In the State, Governor Tasso Jeressati, for eight years, froze the remuneration of Social Workers. In the municipality of Fortaleza, the constant legal struggle to maintain the minimum salary continues.In 1978, SASEC participated in the 1st Meeting of Union and Pre-Union Entities in the category; in 1979 at the II Meeting of Trade Union Entities; in 1983 of the 1st National Union Assembly of Social Workers, with the founding of the National Association of Social Workers – ANAS. In 1994, ANAS was dissolved due to lack of financial cooperation and participation from the Unions as they disagreed with the guidance to close the Social Workers Unions and direct the category to join the union by field of activity.SASECs financial sustainability is basically achieved through the members monthly fee, which corresponds to 2.5% of the minimum wage in force in the country.